My Bio

Birth name: Hendrawan Ardhiantyo

Nickname: Aardi, Ardhi, Ardi GaGa

Birth place: Blora

Birth date: April 25, 1994

Astrological sign: Taurus

Parent: Susantyo H.S

Address: Arumdalu Street, 20

Ras: Mongoloid

Hobby: Drawing, painting, listening music, watching movie

Height: 1.60 m

Movie: Catwoman, Titanic, Final Destination 2, Seed of Chucky

Musician: Britney Spears, Lady GaGa, Aaron Carter, Justin Bieber

Song: Love Game by Lady GaGa

Actor: Tobey Maguire, Daniel Radcliffe

Actress: Megan Fox, Angelina Jolie, Kristen Stewart

Food: Hotdog

Drink: Coffee

You have given a part of your soul to your painting and now you have to sell it.
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Let's go all the way tonight. No regrets, just love. We can dance until we die. You and I we'll be young forever..........