Real 7 Vampire's Lung in Ebay


Vincent Van Gogh

Vincent van Gogh (March 30, 1853 - July 29, 1890) is generally considered the greatest Dutch painter after Rembrandt, though he had little success during his lifetime. Van Gogh produced all of his work (some 900 paintings and 1100 drawings) during a period of only 10 years before he succumbed to mental illness (possibly bipolar disorder) and committed suicide. His fame grew rapidly after his death especially following a showing of 71 of van Gogh's paintings in Paris on March 17, 1901 (11 years after his death).

(Properly the name rhymes with loch, but it is also pronounced 'goph', 'go' and 'goe'.)

Van Gogh's influence on expressionism, fauvism and early abstraction was enormous, and can be seen in many other aspects of 20th-century art. The Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam is dedicated to Van Gogh's work and that of his contemporaries.

Several paintings by Van Gogh rank among the most expensive paintings in the world. On March 30, 1987 Van Gogh's painting Irises was sold for a record $53.9 million at Southeby's, New York. On May 15, 1990 his Portrait of Doctor Gachet was sold for $82.5 million at Christie's, thus establishing a new price record (see also List of most expensive paintings).

At age 16 Vincent started to work for the art dealer Goupil & Co. in The Hague. His four years younger brother Theo, with whom Vincent cherished a life long friendship, would join the company later. This friendship is amply documented in a vast amount of letters they sent each other. These letters have been preserved and were published in 1914. They provide a lot of insight into the life of the painter, and show him to be a talented writer with a keen mind. Theo would support Vincent financially throughout his life.

In 1873, his firm transferred him to London, then to Paris. He became increasingly interested in religion; in 1876 Goupil dismissed him for lack of motivation. He became a teaching assistant in Ramsgate near London, then returned to Amsterdam to study theology in 1877.

After dropping out in 1878, he became a layman preacher in Belgium in a poor mining region known as the Borinage. He even preached down in the mines and was extremely concerned with the lot of the workers. He was dismissed after 6 months and continued without pay. During this period he started to produce charcoal sketches.

In 1880, Vincent van Gogh followed the suggestion of his brother Theo and took up painting in earnest. For a brief period Vincent took painting lessons from Anton Mauve at The Hague. Although Vicent and Anton soon split over divergence of artistic views, influences of the Hague School of painting would remain in Vincents work, notably in the way he played with light and in the looseness of his brush strokes. However his usage of colours, favouring dark tones, set him apart from his teacher.

In 1881 he declared his love to his widowed cousin Kee Vos, who rejected him. Later he would move in with the prostitute Sien Hoornik and her children and considered marrying her; his father was strictly against this relationship and even his brother Theo advised against it. They later separated.

Impressed and influenced by Jean-Francois Millet, van Gogh focussed on painting peasants and rural scenes. He moved to the Dutch province Drenthe, later to Nuenen, North Brabant, also in The Netherlands. Here he painted in 1885.

In the winter of 1885-1886 Van Gogh attended the art academy of Antwerp, Belgium. This proved a disappointment as he was dismissed after a few months by his Professor. Van Gogh did however get in touch with Japanese art during this period, which he started to collect eagerly. He admired its bright colors, use of canvas space and the role lines played in the picture. These impressions would influence him strongly. Van Gogh made some painting in Japanese style. Also some of the portraits he painted are set against a background which shows Japanese art.

In spring 1886 Vincent van Gogh went to Paris, where he moved in with his brother Theo; they shared a house on Montmartre. Here he met the painters met Edgar Degas, Camille Pissarro, Bernard, Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec and Paul Gauguin. He discovered impressionism and liked its use of light and color, more than its lack of social engagement (as he saw it). Especially the technique known as pointillism (where many small dots are applied to the canvas that blend into rich colors only in the eye of the beholder, seeing it from a distance) made its mark on Van Goghs own style. It should be noted that Van Gogh is regarded as a post-impressionist, rather than an impressionist.

In 1888, when city life and living with his brothers proved too much, Van Gogh left Paris and went to Arles, Bouches-du-Rh, France. He was impressed with the local landscape and hoped to found an art colony. He decorated a "yellow house" and created a celebrated series of yellow sunflower paintings for this purpose. Only Paul Gauguin, whose simplified colour schemes and forms (known as synthetism) attracted van Gogh, followed his invitation. The admiration was mutual, and Gauguin painted van Gogh painting sunflowers. However their encounter ended in a quarrel. Van Gogh suffered a mental breakdown and cut off part of his left ear, which he gave to a startled prostitute friend. Gauguin left in December 1888.

The only painting he sold during his lifetime, The Red Vineyard, was created in 1888. It is now on display in the Pushkin Museum in Moscow, Russia.

Vincent van Gogh now exchanged painting dots for small stripes. He suffered from depression, and in 1889 on his own request Van Gogh was admitted to the psychiatric center at Monastery Saint-Paul de Mausole in Saint Remy de Provence, Bouches-du-Rh, France. During his stay here the clinic and its garden became his main subject. Pencil strokes changed again, now into spiral curves.

In May 1890 Vincent van Gogh left the clinic and went to the physician Paul Gachet, in Auvers-sur-Oise near Paris, where he was closer to his brother Theo, who had recently married. Gachet had been recommended to him by Pissarro; he had treated several artists before. Here van Gogh created his only etching: a portrait of the melancholic doctor Gachet. His depression aggravated. On July 27 of the same year, at the age of 37, after a fit of painting activity, van Gogh shot himself in the chest. He died two days later, with Theo at his side, who reported his last words as "La tristesse durera toujours" (French: "The sadness will last forever"). He was buried at the cemetery of Auvers-sur-Oise; Theo unable to come to terms with his brother's death died 6 months later and was buried next to him. It would not take long before his fame grew higher and higher. Large exhibitions were organized soon: Paris 1901, Amsterdam 1905, Cologne 1912, New York 1913 and Berlin 1914.

Vincent van Gogh's mother threw away quite a number of his paintings during Vincent's life and even after his death. But she would live long enough to see her son become a world famous painter.


Enrique Iglesias - Tonight (I'm F**kin' You) Lyric

I know you want me
I made it obvious that I want you too
So put it on me
Let's remove the space between me and you
Now rock your body
Damn I like the way that you move
So give it to me
Cause I already know what you wanna do

Here's the situation
Been to every nation
Nobody’s ever made me feel the way that you do
You know my motivation
Give in my reputation
Please excuse I don't mean to be rude

But tonight I'm loving you
Oh you know
That tonight I'm loving you
Oh you know
That tonight I'm loving you

You’re so damn pretty
If I had a type than baby it’d be you
I know your ready
If I never lied, than baby you’d be the truth

Here’s the situation
Been to every nation
Nobody’s ever made me feel the way that you do
You know my motivation
Given my reputation
Please excuse I don’t mean to be rude

But tonight I'm loving you
Oh you know
That tonight I'm loving you
Oh you know
That tonight I'm loving you

Tonight I’m gonna do
Everything that I want with you
Everythin that u need
Everything that u want I wanna honey
I wanna stunt with you
From the window
To the wall
Gonna give u, my all
Winter n summertime
When I get you on the springs
Imma make you fall
You got that body
That make me wanna get on the boat
Just to see you dance
And I love the way you shake that ass
Turn around and let me see them pants
You stuck with me
I’m stuck with you
Lets find something to do
(Please) excuse me
I dont mean to be rude

But tonight I'm loving you
Oh you know
That tonight I'm loving you
Oh you know
That tonight I'm loving you

Christina Aguilera - Express Lyrics

It’s a cold and crazy world that’s ragin’ outside
Well baby me and all my girls are bringin’ on the fire
Show a little leg, gotta shimmy your chest
It’s a life, it’s a style, it’s a need, it’s Burlesque

E-X-P-R-E-S-S, love, sex
Ladies no regrets
E-X-P-R-E-S-S, love, sex
Ladies no regrets

Been holding down for quite some time and finally the moment’s right
I love to make the people stare
They know I got that certain savoir-faire

Fasten up
Can you imagine what would happen if I let you close enough to touch?
Step into the fantasy
You’ll never want to leave, baby let’s give it to you…Why?

It’s a passion, and emotion, it’s a fashion, Burlesque
It’ll move, goin’ through you, so do what I do, Burlesque
All ladies come put your grown up, boys throw it up if you want it
Can you feel me, can you feel it? It’s Burlesque.

I tease ‘em ’til they’re on the edge
They screamin’ more for more and more they beg
I know it’s me they come to see
My pleasure brings them to their knees

Fasten up
Can you imagine what would happen if I let you close enough to touch?
Step into the fantasy
You’ll never want to leave, baby let’s give it to you…Why?

It’s a passion, and emotion, it’s a fashion, Burlesque
It’ll move, goin’ through you, so do what I do, Burlesque
All ladies, confident, flaunt it
Boys throw it up if you want it
Can you feel me, can you feel it? It’s Burlesque.


It’s a passion, and emotion, it’s a fashion, Burlesque
It’ll move, goin’ through you, so do what I do, Burlesque
All ladies come put your grown up, boys throw it up if you want it
Can you feel me, can you feel it? It’s Burlesque.

Membuat Berita

Well, beberapa waktu lalu saya mengikuti kegiatan membuat berita untuk mengisi website sekolah saya, SMAN Tunjungan. Meskipun kata - katanya banyak yang belum benar, tapi saya sangat senang. Setidaknya tulisan saya diterbitkan di website SMAN Tunjungan. So, berikut adalah hasil tulisan saya mengenai kegiatan Achievement Motivation Training di SMAN Tunjungan.

Bangkitkan Motivasi Siswa dengan AMT

Kamis, 21 Januari 2010, SMAN 1 Tunjungan mengadakan program AMT (Achievement Motivation Training) yang bertempat di aula SMAN 1 Tunjungan. Hadir dalam acara tersebut antara lain seluruh siswa kelas XII dan sebagian perwakilan siswa kelas X dan XI., serta bapak dan ibu guru dengan mengambil pembicara dari AMT Team and CCG Management. Program ini dilaksanakan dengan maksud untuk membangun motivasi belajar siswa kelas XII agar mampu lulus dalam UNAS tentunya dengan nilai yang memuaskan. Kegiatan dalam program ini antara lain pemutaran film dokumenter, Fun and Game, pemberian materi “Sukses Menyiapkan UNAS dan Motivasi Pengembangan Diri”, serta materi “Kepribadian dan Pengembangan Karier”, relaksasi, dan ditutup dengan doa.
Kegiatan yang dimulai pukul 08.00 tersebut mendapat respon baik dari Bapak Kepala Sekolah, Bapak dan Ibu Guru, serta para peserta kegiatan itu sendiri. Kegiatan diawali dengan sambutan penyelenggara oleh CPT CCG, lalu dilanjutkan oleh Bapak Kepala Sekolah SMAN 1 Tunjungan, Drs. Djoko Santoso. Kemudian pihak CCG memberikan penghargaan kepada sekolah disertai dengan tepuk tangan meriah dari para peserta. Setelah itu, diputarlah sebuah film dokumenter berdurasi 50 menit berjudul Man of Honor yang menceritakan tentang perjalanan seorang kulit hitam yang ingin mewujudkan impiannya untuk menjadi seorang kulit hitam pertama. Suasana sedikit tegang ketika tokoh utama dalam film tersebut mengalami konflik. Setelah film yang diangkat dari kisah nyata itu selesai, acara dilanjutkan dengan kegiatan fun and game. Tawa riang para peserta serentak ketika peserta diminta untuk menirukan instruksi dari Bapak Amien Jaya, SE selaku tutor dalam acara tersebut.
Sekitar pukul 10.00, peserta mendapat materi dengan topik “Sukses Menyiapkan UNAS dan Motivasi Pengembangan Diri” dari Bapak Amien. Materi tersebut dimaksudkan agar para siswa tidak mudah putus asa dalam menghadapi UNAS yang akan dilaksanakan Maret 2010 mendatang. Lalu materi dilanjutkan dengan topik bertemakan “ Kepribadian dan Pengembangan Karier” yang dimaksudkan agar peserta, khususnya siswa kelas XII dapat memilih pilihan mereka masing-masing setelah lulus nanti. Supaya para peserta tidak merasa suntuk dan jenuh, acara kembali diselingi dengan game.
Kegiatan puncak dalam acara AMT adalah Relaksasi dan Auto Sugesti dimana para peserta diminta untuk memejamkan mata dan menerima instruksi sugesti dari sang tutor. Wajah para peserta yang semula ceria berubah menjadi kesedihan disertai tetesan air mata ketika sang tutor memberikan gambaran negatif dalam diri kita.
Pukul 13.00 acara ditutup dengan doa untuk kelancaran UNAS dan kekuatan diri. Setelah itu, seluruh peserta diijinkan untuk meninggalkan ruangan aula disertai dengan jabat tangan para siswa kepada Bapak Kepala Sekolah, Bapak dan Ibu Guru, serta teman-teman para siswa / peserta itu sendiri. Diharapkan kegiatan tersebut mampu memotivasi siswa agar lebih bersemangat dalam mencapai cita-cita dan menghadapi UNAS.

Brandon Hilton

Brandon states "he doesnt like to think of himself as a "celebrity" because he doesnt feel he has reached that status in his career, but wants to achieve "Fame" in his own way by inspiring people through his art and music."

What started as a hobby with friends, circa Brandons first song release "I Kissed A Boy" a Katy Perry Cover, which drew attention from people as far away as Germany, and landed Brandon an Interview on German Radio which brought huge exposure to his music career in Germany. As well as over 2 million Youtube Hits in 5 months, and praised by even Katy herself via her website blog. Has now turned into a passion that will not be sufficed.

"I've always had an immense passion for music, I grew up in choir and chorus in school, participating in countless plays and musicals" that brought him attention at the tender age of 8. "I've always known I could sing, but never considered that a career path!" until now! With DEMOS of Brandons songs online, and after working with amazing producers such as : Mysto & Pizzi, Eddie B, Nate Bosley, Jeremy Greene, Nicki Rayne, Nicholas Gallegos & DJ Zaq. Brandon began to develop the sound that has now slated him as "The Boy Lady Gaga" A title in which he accepts, "I've been friends with her(gaga) for 2 years now! I absolutely love her style and art, I would also say we are VERY MUCH different!"

After achieving 2 Very Successfully Selling Makeup Lines, Releasing a Clothing Line, and developing his own Line of Leggings for both Male & Females, Brandon wants more than anything to make his name and face into a brand, with Fragrance Lines, A Jewelry Line, and now "Hopefully" An amazing album, that everyone can relate to!

"I just want people to listen to my music and smile, dance, take off their clothes, tell their friends, blast it in the cars.... SCREAM IT TO THE WORLD!" Brandon says he wants people to be inspired, but also enjoy the hard work and art that goes in to EVERYTHING that ISBRANDON JAMES


My Track

Well, kali ini gw mau lo tahu lagu - lagu apa saja yang ada di track pribadi gw. Berikut adalah daftar lagu favorit gw yang senantiasa menemani hari - hari gw disaat gw kesepian, senang, sedih, marah, bahkan diantara lagu - lagu berikut ada yang isi lagunya sama kayak kisah gw. Huhu... lebay. So, check this out!

Lagu - lagu yang bisa bikin gw semangat di pagi hari
Musiknya ngebeat dan asik buat temen jogging. Serasa fresh dah kalau ngedengerin lagu - lagu berikut:

Lady Gaga ft. Rodney Jerkins - Reloaded
Lady Gaga - Nothin'On (But The Radio)
Lady Gaga - Monster
Katy Perry - Teenage Dream
Britney Spears - 3
Christina Aguilera - Not Myself Tonight
Britney Spears - Womanizer
Aaron Carter - Saturday Night
Aaron Carter - One More Night
Taio Cruz - Break Your Heart
Taio Cruz - Dynamite
Lady Gaga - Love Game
Justin Bieber - Love Me
Ke$ha - Tik Tok
3OH!3 ft. Ke$ha - My First Kiss

Lagu - lagu yang sering gw dengerin di siang hari
Alunan musik nan mellow plus suara penyanyinya yang dahsyat banget tepat banget buat menemani istirahat di siang hari.

Taio Cruz - I'll Never Love Again
Christina Aguilera - Reflection
Lady Gaga - Paparazzi
Chris Brown ft. Keri Hilson - Superhuman
Justin Bieberft. Jaden Smith - Never Say Never
Britney Spears - Everytime

Lagu - lagu asyik buat dugem
Dimanapun tempatnya, lo bakal ngerasa dugem di club dah kalau ngedengerin lagu - lagu berikut:

David Guetta ft. Akon - Sexy B*tch
Lady Gaga - Disco Heaven
Justin Bieber - Omaha Mall
Justin Bieber - Somebody To Love
Kanye West - Love Lockdown (Remix)
Ke$ha - Your Love Is My Drug
Lady Gaga - Poker Face
Lady Gaga - Just Dance
Jeffree Star - So Fierce

Lagu - lagu yang kisahnya sama kayak kisah gw
Wah, yang ini penjelasannya privasi gw sendiri ya...

Katy Perry - Teenage Dream
Lady Gaga - Alejandro
Aqua - Barbie Girl
Lady Gaga - Love Game
Christina Aguilera - Not Myself Tonight
Christina Aguilera - Reflection

Lagu - lagu yang gw putar sebagai pelampiasan kemarahan gw
Biasanya gw putar lagu - lagu berikut dengan keras disaat gw lagi kesel sama tugas, orang lain atau bahkan diri gw sendiri.

Miley Cyrus - Can't Be Tamed
Ke$ha - Blah Blah Blah
Britney Spears - My Prerogative
Lady Gaga - Teeth
Christina Aguilera - Keeps Gettin' Better
Britney Spears - Womanizer
My Chemical Romance - Na Na Na
Rihanna - Disturbia
Eminem - Not Afraid

Lagu - lagu yang bisa bikin gw sedih dan menangis.
Kagak tahu kenapa setiap ngedengerin lagu - lagu berikut rasanya gw ikut sedih. Hiks... Mungkin kisah di dalam lagu - lagu itu sendiri yang memang menyedihkan.
Rihanna - Russian Roullete
Christina Aguilera - Reflection
Evanescence - Everybody's Fool
Michael Heart - We Will Not Go Down
Rihanna - Unfaithful
Miley Cyrus - Robot
Lady Gaga - Speechless

Lagu Sebelum tidur
Nah, berikut adalah lagu - lagu yang bisa ngebawa gw ke alam mimpi.

Beyonce - Sweet Dreams
Lionel Richie - Hello

Nah, semoga lo suka.

My Favourite Videos

Well, berikut adalah daftar video klip favorit gw. Semoga lo suka.

Love Game by Lady Gaga adalah video klip yang paling sering gw puter. Gw suka dance-nya Lady Gaga di video ini and sssstttttt.......... ada adegan hotnya. Haha!

Kostum Daging Mentah Lady Gaga @MTV VMA's 2010

Penyanyi Lady Gaga tampil kontroversial lagi. Ia memakai gaun yang terbuat dari daging mentah saat menghadiri MTV Video Music Awards. Penampilannya itu untuk membela kaum gay dan lesbian.

Sebelumnya Gaga sudah memakai kostum sejenis saat menjadi sampul majalah Vogue Jepang edisi September 2010. Hanya saja saat itu, daging mentah yang membalut tubuhnya dibuat bak bikini.

Pada Minggu (12/9/2010) lalu saat tampil di MTV Video Music Awards, Gaga mengulanginya lagi. Kali ini dengan lebih menghebohkan. Daging mentah tidak hanya dipakainya sebagai gaun, tapi juga sepatu dan tas tangan.

Sebelumnya aksi Gaga itu sudah mengundang protes dari organisasi People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA). PETA menganggap pelantun 'Alejandro' itu kejam karena menggunakan daging hewan untuk pakaian.

Protes tidak hanya datang dari PETA, kaum vegetarian juga mengecam aksi Gaga. Liz O'Neill dari Vegetarian Society misalnya. Menurut Liz, penyanyi 24 tahun itu seharusnya bisa melihat betapa menderitanya para hewan.

Dilansir Reuters, Selasa (14/9/2010), tampil dalam talk show Ellen DeGeneres, Gaga pun menjelaskan mengenai aksinya berkostum daging. Ia memakai baju itu untuk membela hak asasi manusia, terutama kaum gay, lesbian dan biseksual.

"Jika kita tidak membela apa yang kita percaya dan tidak memperjuangkan hak kita, kita akan senasib dengan daging yang melekat di tulang kita. Dan aku bukan hanya seonggok daging," ujarnya.


Lady Gaga, Penyanyi Nyentrik yang Gila Fashion

Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta (28 Maret 1986) a.k.a Lady Gaga memang terkenal punya style yang unik dan gokil. Salah satu contohnya adalah gaya rambut ribbon hair. Siapa sih yang mempelopori ribbon hair? Siapa lagi kalau bukan Lady Gaga. Bukan hanya ribbon hair, masih banyak ide-ide fashion gila yang lainnya dari si pelantun Love Game ini.

So sexy Gaga...

Lobster head

Lady Gaga dengan kacamata ala John Lennon

Phantom of Opera Costume @MTV VMA 2009

Bra dengan semburan api @Much Music Awards 2009

Ornamen dinosaurus @AMA 2009

Gambar petir di pipi kanan seperti pada MV Just Dance

Misteri Nessie

Keberadaan monster Loch Ness atau Nessie masih misterius. Sesuai artinya, Nessie atau Niseag dalam bahasa Skotlandia adalah monster danau misterius dan belum teridentifikasi. Polisi senior Kepala Polisi Kota Administratif Inverness-Skotlandia, Williaw Fraser mengklaim tidak meragukan keberadaan monster itu. Klaim itu pernah disampaikan melalui surat kepada Wakil Menteri Luar Negeri Skotlandia 70 tahun lalu.

Pada surat yang ditemukan baru-baru ini di Arsip Nasional Skotlandia, menyebutkan sejumlah penampakan besar-besaran dari monster berleher panjang seperti Plesiosaurus, dinosaurus reptil berleher panjang ini sekitar tahun 1930. Dalam suratnya itu, Fraser mengatakan,"Ada makhluk aneh di Loch Ness, keberadaannya tidak diragukan lagi. Tetapi, kekuatan polisi yang ada tidak memungkinkan untuk melindungi makhluk itu." Sehingga petugas berwenang Skotlandia saat itu menerjunkan tim untuk menelusuri kebenaran keberadaan monster berleher panjang di sebuah danau yang juga bernama Loch Ness.

Sejak itu, artikel-artikel di media, foto-foto, dan tulisan lain bermunculan yang menceritakan tentang keberadaan Nessie. Banyak pula pemburu yang berduyun-duyun menuju danau untuk melihat, menangkap, hingga membunuhnya, seperti sepasang warga London, Peter Kent dan Marion Stirling. Kent telah mengaku kepada polisi bahwa dia menyiapkan senjata tombak khusus untuk memburu Nessie. Dia juga sudah menyiapkan 20 orang berpengalaman untuk memburu hingga ke dasar danau.Spekulasi keberadaan Nessie yang diangkat ke Parlemen tahun 1933, saat itu menginginkan agar diadakan penelitian ilmiah untuk mencari tahu keberadaan monster misterius itu.

Foto yang dibuat oleh Dr. Robert Kenneth Wilson pada 19 April 1934 menampakkan sosok nessie secara jelas sedang menyembul dari permukaan air dengan menampakkan kepala dan lehernya yang panjang. Dari foto itu, berkembanglah berbagai dugaan tentang apa sebenarnya Nessie ini. Namun, ada juga yang meragukan apakah Nessie benar-benar ada, antara lain, Alastair Boyd dan temannya David Martin. Setelah diselidiki, foto itu ternyata dibuat oleh Duke Wetherell dan putranya Ian. Monster itu pun palsu, dibuat oleh putra tiri Duke yang bernama Spurling. Foto nessie palsu itu diserahkan Duke pada temannya, Chambers. Duke meminta Chambers membujuk Dr. Wilson agar menjualnya ke koran Daily Mail atas nama Dr. Wilson. Duke Wetherell sengaja memasukkan foto nessie itu untuk membalas dendam pada perusahaan koran Daily Mail. Koran Daily Mail telah menulis berita yang membuat Duke Wetherell malu. Pada tahun 1994, Martin berhasil menemui Spurling. Martin mengorek keterangan dan mendengar pengakuan Spurling tentang foto itu. Saat ditemui Martin, Spurling sudah berumur 93 tahun dan dia merasa bersalah telah membohongi banyak orang.

Meskipun Petugas dari Arsip Nasional yang membacakan surat ini mengatakan, pada akhirnya kisah Loch Ness ini hanya menjadi bunga-bunga dongeng hiburan saja. Namun, pada 31 Mei 2007, Gordon Holmes mengaku berhasil merekam monster Loch Ness.


Who's The Best? Is Lady Gaga?

Siapa yang paling banyak disukai? Lady Gaga? Britney Spears? Atau Christina Aguilera? Yang pasti mereka sama - sama bersuara emas, sama - sama sexy, dan sama - sama jago ngedance.

Christina Aguilera - Not Myself Tonight

Britney Spears - Toxic

Britney Spears - Womanizer

Lady Gaga - Just Dance

Lady Gaga - Poker Face

Lady Gaga - Eh Eh

Lady Gaga - Love Game

Lady Gaga - Beautiful, Dirty, Rich

Lady Gaga - Paparazzi

Lady Gaga - Bad Romance

Lady Gaga - Telephone

Lady Gaga - Alejandro

Let's go all the way tonight. No regrets, just love. We can dance until we die. You and I we'll be young forever..........